How to lie down when you're pregnant!


Having a bit of difficulty getting onto the chiropractic table? (This can be applied to getting in and out of bed as well).

Join Chiropractor Karli Plowright from Mosman Chiropractic clinic Nomad Chiropractic as she takes you through some simple steps that will make your life a whole heap easier!

THE GOAL: to avoid over using your core abdominal muscles!
THE METHOD: do the process sideways!

1) Sit on the bed
2) Keep your knees together
3) Walk your hands down the bed so you go down sideways
4) Shuffle your hips so you're now on to your back

GETTING BACK UP: The same rules apply! Do this sideways.
1) Shuffle your hips to one side of the chiro table
2) Roll on to your side
3) Walk your hands back up the table until you're in a seated position (from a sidling position)
4) Bend your knees and bring them under your hips
5) Take your time getting up/standing up; and remain seated until you feel fine to stand up.

* Note: when in bed we recommend sleeping on your LEFT side
* Lying on your back is not recommended - but can be done for short periods of time, including at some chiropractic appointments.
*If you feel discomfort or would prefer not to then let us know immediately!

**Disclaimer: Please note that these exercises are general advice only and are not specific to your individual needs. If you feel any pain or discomfort during them please stop immediately and contact your local health practitioner for help.

Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman NSW has a pregnancy and paediatric focus.
Book in online with Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett, Olivia Kerr, Kristin Webb and Sandy Ghobrial at

Your Mosman Chiropractic Clinic is located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088
(rear entry -- find the cacti and you'll see our door!)
Ph 02 9969 7503

For More Pregnancy focussed home exercises head to:

*Note: Karli Plowright moved back to WA in December 2022 and as such is no longer a practitioner at Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman. All of the practitioners at Nomad Chiropractic are trained in the above.