Scoliosis management in Mosman Sydney

Scoliosis management in Sydney


Mosman Chiropractors will gently guide you and your family through scoliosis

  • Scoliosis is defined as the lateral curve of the spine. This means the curvature of a spine as you are looking at someone from behind. Scoliosis often has an associated rotational component which means the vertebrae may have turned & appear more prominent on one side versus the other.

    And like most conditions, scoliosis exists on a spectrum.

    As Chiropractors, we often obtain an x-ray or EOS scan of your spine in order to calculate the degree & angle of your spine, as well as help determine the cause of your scoliosis if not idiopathic.

  • Kyphosis is the curve in the upper part of your back, this is the curve you see as you are looking at someone from the side.

    • Kyphosis is considered of concern outside 20-40 degrees.

  • Lordosis can also be seen from the side. Both the curves in your neck & low back are lordotic curves.

    • Lordosis is considered of concern outside 30-40 degrees in your neck & 25-45 degrees in your low back.

  • Scoliosis is considered of concern when it has an angle greater than 10 degrees.

    All spinal curves become a concern when they fall outside normal range and/or when they become symptomatic.

    The balance between these curves is also important to maintaining your centre of gravity & optimal joint centration. Again, this is unique to every body.

    At anytime there is a rapid progression of curves at any age it is of concern and screening is recommended to identify the underlying cause of curve progression.

Scoliosis management in Mosman Sydney

Scoliosis Screening

At anytime there is a rapid progression of curves at any age it is of concern and screening is recommended to identify the underlying cause of curve progression.

  • 1) Female (10 to 1 ratio)

    2) Age 9-16 (pre-menstrual)

    3) Family History - parents or siblings have scoliosis

    • Uneven shoulders or hip heights

    • Head tilting to one side

    • Family history of scoliosis

    • Family history of autoimmune conditions.

    • Female

    • Pre-puberty

    • Complain of headaches or neck pain.

    • Rapid growth spurt/growing pains.

  • Helps to diagnose it early in which there is opportunity to slow or prevent curve progression.

    Interventions such as tailored exercise plans and/or bracing have been proven to reduce the risk of curve progression.

  • If we find in our testing your child has a scoliosis in most cases we will suggest imaging.

    In children an EOS scan is the first choice as it is a full body scan & lower radiation dosage than typical x-rays.

    The benefits of a full body is that we are able to clearly see the curve progressions, take accurate measurements & importantly determine the cause of their scoliosis.

    In most adolescents, the cause of scoliosis is idiopathic, meaning it is not known.

    There are no congenital abnormalities, pathological conditions or structural variances which have led the spine to develop a scoliosis.

    With imaging we are also able to see how far the child’s spine is from maturity which would mean their growing period has ended. During this time the risk of progression of scoliosis is higher as the growth plates in their bones are still open to allow growth.

    Imaging allows us to have an objective baseline & measurements to compare to when we re-image in 6-12 months if indicated. Comparing the images over this time period allows us to flag children at high risk of progressions.

    When I say rapid progression, I mean research shows scoliosis can progress by up to 60 degrees within one year in an adolescent. It so important to identify it early to ensure proper management.

    Chiropractors can monitor progression, prescribe a tailored exercise program & help manage symptomatic presentations secondary to the curve asymmetry such as headaches, neck & low back pain.

Girls are far more likely to develop scoliosis and our Mosman Chiropractors are here to support them and your family through the management of scoliosis

The Nomad Difference when it comes to scoliosis

The dedicated and caring team at Nomad Chiropractic will support you and your family through the process of scoliosis assessment, interventions, home-care advice and recommended spinal adjusting. Collaboration with your scoliosis management team is only a phone call away.

  • There are two main categories of scoliosis:

    Functional Scoliosis - no structural abnormalities; arises from something external to the spine that causes the spine to adopt a curved posture.

    The easiest way to think of this is muscle tension or strength imbalances.

    ie: dominance in one leg over the other, one hip tighter than the other, repetitive occupational movements in one direction, asymmetrical muscle tension.

    Structural Scoliosis - cannot be changed, it is how the spine is built.

    • Idiopathic - which means unknown.

    • Neurolomuscular

    • Degenerative

    • Congenital

    • Syndromic

    Idiopathic is the cause in 75% of cases of scoliosis and often occurs in adolescence.

  • Once a scoliosis is identified the goal is to stabilize & support it. We want to help keep all the joints in your back moving equally & fluidly. Sometimes this means you need a support from a Chiropractor to help unload some of the joints that take more load at apexes of the curve. Or you may need to learn how to stretch, strength & mobilize your body to balance your curves.

    This will be unique to you & your spine!

  • Our Initial Consultation will be minimum 45mins.

    We will have an indepth discussion of your history; and then conduct a physical assessment.

    We will:

    • Conduct a full neuromusculoskeletal assessment: orthopaedic and neurological. Including using a scoliometre for a physical assessment measurement.

    • Take posture pictures; and if it’s relevant and indicated we will

    • Send you for further imaging (EOS) at Castlereigh in Crows Nest.

    The Doctors generally take about 3 days to mark up your imaging with the angles of the curves and to write their report and advice.

    And we will schedule a follow u to go through all of the information w e’ve collected!

    If we need co-management we can refer you to Scoliosis Australia or local Orthopaedic Surgeons for assessment as well.

    A management plan will be created specific to you and your needs

    And guidance and support will be ongoing as you need and want.

Idiopathic scoliosis management in Mosman Sydney with gentle chiropractic

Idiopathic Scoliosis

which means unknown…

Is the cause in 75% of cases of scoliosis and often occurs in adolescence.

Nomad Chiropractic dedicated team are here to support you and your family with scoliosis

Feel supported through scoliosis

We’re here every step of the way if you need it. From scoliosis diagnosis, treatment and management. Let us know if we can help!

- Sandy, Kristin & Lucy