Round Ligament Stretches

By Karli Plowright (Chiropractor + Exercise Scientist)
Nomad Chiropractic Mosman

Pregnancy Round Ligament Pain?

What is the round ligament?

There 2 round ligaments, which are attached to our uterus; and groin area of your pelvis. They are designed to support your womb as you grow during pregnancy; and they stretch as you grow.

What is round ligament pain?

Most commonly felt during the second trimester, round ligament pain can feel like a sharp jabbing spasm sensation on the side of your abdomen; or general groin pain down to the upper thigh. It can be on one side or both sides.

Round ligament pain and exercises

What can increase the pain/cause the pain?

- Your growing belly + the stretching ligaments (a normal process)
- Sneezing / Laughing / Coughing
- Rolling over
- Getting up too quickly

What can help relieve it?

  • Chiropractic adjustments

  • Osteopath/Physio check up

  • Home care stretching (as demonstrated by Karli in this video)

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Swimming

  • Bending your knees. flexing your hips as you cough, sneeze or laugh

  • Avoiding sudden movements/change in position

  • Keeping knees together when you roll over in bed

  • Heat on the area

Join Chiropractor Karli Plowright of Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman as she demonstrates some simple home exercises that might help give some relief.


1) Breathe and release:
Find the area of tension - as a general guide: about half way between your hip bone and your belly button and a few centimeters down...

  • Using 2 fingers, make gentle pressure inward

  • Take a breath in, hold for 3seconds; and as you do that

  • Apply a gentle upward pressure (to help release the ligament)

  • Release the breath, release the tension

  • Repeat -- if you can feel the tension then follow it with your fingers and release all along the ligament

2) Cat/Cow on all 4s

  • On all 4s, Take a deep breath in for 4 seconds and arch your back like a cat

  • Breathe out over 4 seconds and drop your chest toward the floor

  • you should feel some tension through the ligament as you stretch it out

  • Repeat!

3) Cat / Cow alternative

  • If the cat cow is too much of a stretch you can try it from a more upright position so put your hands on to a chair or something similar so you're not horizontal

  • From this position you can try the cat cow movement (repeat)

    • Alternative again is to do circles with your hips

    • Figure 8s with your hips

  • Repeat!

Please note that these exercises are general advice only and are not specific to you and your complaint. If you're experiencing any discomfort or concern during your pregnancy please contact your local health practitioner.

Got questions? Get in touch! ENJOY!

Till next time,

Karli :)

  • Please note: - Karli is perfectly imperfect in her demonstration of these :)


Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman NSW has a pregnancy and paediatric focus. Book in online with your Mosman Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett, Karli Plowright and Sandy Ghobrial at
Located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088
(rear entry -- find the cacti and you'll see our door!)
Ph 02 9969 7503
For More Pregnancy focused home exercises head to: