Creative Mindfulness Practices to Help with Anxiety

Guest Blogger : Dana Burton
Twin Waves Wellness Center

The entire world has experienced major emotional turbulence over the past several years. Because of this, anxiety and depression have spiked. People feel less connected to each other due to isolation and social restrictions. What can we do about this?

Well, unfortunately, most of us do not have the power to change the world in the snap of a finger. However, one thing we do have control over is ourselves and our routine. People are getting more and more creative when it comes to implementing mindfulness practices into their routines. You may feel like you are ‘out of your comfort zone’ when you first try these things. It’s important to remain open to these things, especially when you’re first trying them out. These practices are effective at calming down your system when you need it most.

Here are several powerful and creative mindfulness practices that can help with your anxiety and leave you feeling happier throughout your day.

  1. Practice Breathing Exercises

You’d be surprised how much power there is in your breath. Intentional breathing patterns and exercises can dramatically help to calm down anxious thoughts and emotions that you’re experiencing. Your breath influences your nervous system, which can affect your heart rate and other body functions. For example, Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is a breathing exercise that helps connect your body to its own natural rhythms. During these SRI breathing exercises, certain breaths are slow and others are fast-paced. Both can help to calm anxiety down by helping your nervous system and body relax.

Breathing exercises are a great way to clear your mind. If you’re worried about frightening local events, like bad flooding, consider trying a few breathing exercises to calm your system down. You can disrupt and diminish the negative thoughts that are chasing your mind around by controlling your breath. There is great power in the breath of your body. Practicing different breathing patterns helps reconnect your mind and body. This will help evaporate the troublesome anxiety that is plaguing your mind.

2. Keep a Daily Journal

Writing out how you feel is a powerful and creative way to express yourself. Oftentimes, when we deal with anxiety, we become stuck in our own heads. Spiraling thoughts can become a whirlwind that we cannot escape. Minutes, or even hours, go by where we can’t stop thinking about certain events, interactions, or people that make us anxious.

Next time you become stuck in this thought loop, try writing your thoughts and emotions on paper. There is something about the practice of physical writing (versus typing) that adds more depth and weight to it. Your mind must focus on writing out each letting, allowing you to release and express yourself as your write. In your daily journal, there is no judgment. You can write about anything that is on your mind. By getting your thoughts out for the day, you allow your mind to feel clear and refreshed moving forward.

3. Go on Walks Outdoors

Movement is key to squashing anxiety. The more that you move your body, the less time you allow your mind to continue racing. Taking short walks to break up the day is a creative way to help with anxious thoughts or emotions. Especially for people that work from home and sit for long periods of time, taking walks really helps.

Try walking around outdoors next time that you get the chance. Exploring nature by foot is a great way to clear your mind and reconnect with the earth. You can experience the vibrancy and liveliness that mother nature offers. Walking around outside stimulates the brain and also adds small amounts of exercise to your day. This can also help you feel happy and healthy.

The Importance of Mindfulness

Although most people can usually think of someone that ‘has it worse’ than them, life can still feel difficult. Little events can trigger large emotional responses and eventually lead to things like anxiety and depression. Consider experimenting with these mindfulness practices to help with the anxiety that you’re dealing with. The world, and the people on it, are here to support you.

A huge thank you to Dana for this little gem :)

In health,
Nomad Chiropractic Mosman

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