Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) is a chiropractic technique that was founded in 1925 by Dr M B De Jarnette.
SOT protocols use body indicators for determining skeletal, cranial, neurological and visceral malfunctions with specific techniques that address changes in the extremities, pelvic and spinal bio-mechanics, cranial distortions and temporo manidibular joint dysfunctions.
It provides us with a holistic approach to your care and a framework to work amongst. It is based on the belief that the sacrum and cranium work in a reciprocal way to assist the pumping of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) throughout your brain, spinal cord and nervous system. Thus it is named on the relationship between the sacrum (the base of the spine) and the occiput (the base of the skull).
As chiropractors our intention is to work with and enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself with the removal of any interference. We work with the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (coordination of the nervous system), and how that relationship affects our health.
Methods of practicing SOT include a variety of gentle (light touch) to manual techniques that may help to restore normal function. As an example we may use:
Wedge shaped blocks beneath the pelvis, using the weight of the body and breathing, to improve the balance and position of the pelvic bones;
Cranial release techniques - which can involve some releases though your mouth and TMJ (jaw). Usually they just feel like a head massage!
A device called an Activator that applies a controlled fast yet gentle thrust into a joint, to help stimulate the nervous system activity in that joint;
Our special Zenith Thompson drop piece tables. When the chiro makes a thrust on a specific joint whilst you’re lying on the chiro table, the area being worked on is simultaneously dropped by the table (which has been raised with tension via an air compressor). This allows for thorough and gentle spinal adjustments;
Manual chiropractic adjustments. They’re classified as HVLA (high velocity low amplitude) techniques that employ a rapid force over a short space of time, and short distance within the anatomical range of motion of a joint. The purpose is to engage the restrictive barrier in one or more plane of motion and release the joint restriction. Sometimes a ‘pop’ sound is heard and that is simply air being released via a negative pressure.
Mobilisations/soft tissue releases.
CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulation Release Technique), which is a method of SOT that focuses on vertebral visceral syndromes associated with somatovisceral reflexes; and
Much more!
Each person is unique and the way we adjust every person will be slightly different. This is just a snapshot of some of the things we do in this clinic :)
For more information on SOT head to their Australian website here.
For a holistic approach to your health - Is it time you got your spine checked?
Click here to book in online with Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman
All of our chiropractors at Nomad Chiropractic are SOT trained.
See you soon!
Lucy Bartlett, Olivia Kerr, Kristin Webb + Sandy Ghobrial
Nomad Chiropractic Mosman NSW
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