Sympathetic Dominance - Fight or Flight!

The Stress Response ~ Sympathetic Dominance

The Sympathetic nervous system is part of two body systems that controls everything that happens in the body without conscious thought. Although when in a sympathetic dominant state we are designed to act as if we are in a protective mode, this is when our body thinks we are in a threatening situation or running from a wild animal. This is actually a normal response, life saving too, although with things such as work stress, family issues, emotional upset, financial pressures or injuries the body goes into this protective mode. The reason why this is of concern is that this sympathetic response is designed to be a short term protection, rather than a state of living. 

A sympathetic dominant person often presents as:

  • Overwhelmed

  • Stressed

  • Sweaty

  • Fast heart beat

  • Forward and high shoulders

  • Forward head carriage

  • Tight muscles. 

  • Light sleep / difficulty sleeping

  • Headaches / migraines

  • Anxiety / depression

  • Sensitivity to light and sound

  • Digestive upsets such as bloating, IBS, allergies or diarrhea or constipation

  • Problems with inflammation

  • … and so much more…

If you find yourself in this state, it is quite likely you need support to help to find balance. Chiropractic care targets your nervous system and musculoskeletal function; aiming to restore balance to your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system; and help to take you out of Sympathetic Dominance!

Some other ways to calm your nervous system can include:

  • Belly breathing - breathe all the way into the bottom on your ribs through your nose over a count of 4, hold for 4; and breathe out through your mouth over a count of 6 (repeat)

  • Yoga: yin would be a nice start

  • Get into nature - go for a walk or dive into the ocean

  • Get the sun on your face at sunrise and sunset

  • Eating whole foods - ditch everything processed

  • Reduce (or cut out) alcohol, coffee, cigarettes

  • Journalling

  • Practicing gratitude

  • Posture - thoracic extension

  • Adrenal care

  • Magnesium - supplements, sensory deprivation floats, the ocean!

  • Acupuncture

  • Naturopathy

  • … and so much more!

Questions? Get in touch!