GLUT ACTIVATION - Home exercise


Do you feel as though your quads or hamstrings are compensating when doing a lower body workout rather than your booty?

What this means is that your glutes are not activated therefore being unable to 'fire' your glutes properly.

Glute activation techniques help to form a deeper mind to muscle connection between our brain and our booty.

Watch to see 2 exercises that might help:

~Bridge (option to add a band for better control)
~Clam shell

Perform these at least once a day doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Disclaimer: if you experience any pain while doing these stretches/exercies, STOP immediately and seek help from your local health practitioner.

To book a consultation in Mosman NSW please click:

(Note: Karli Plowright has returned to WA and is no longer a practitioner at Nomad Chiropractic 2023)