Shoulder Girdle Stretch Series

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Disclaimer: this advice is general only and isn't specific to you and your child's needs. It's intended for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns please check in with us (if you’re a client) or with your local health practitioner if you’re not.


Here are a few simple home exercises you could do with your baby to help relieve shoulder girdle tension.

Move slowly, gently and have fun.

Hold their hand and:

  • Take their arm across their body;

  • Out to the side (keeping their arm on the ground) and above their head

  • Out infront of them and above their head

  • Repeat the other side!

Sometimes these exercises can assist with:

- comfort in tummy time
- difficulty rolling both ways
- difficulty crawling
- babies with head rotational/breast preferences,
- tension associated with tongue ties
- body in balance!

If you’ve got any questions please get int ouch! 0491 064 117 or send us an email: