Moro (Bigger Kids) - Home Exercises

Disclaimer: These exercises are general advice only and are not specific to you or your child. They are intended for educational purposes only and it's highly recommended you seek assistance from your local health practitioner for assessment, diagnosis and management.

MORO (Bigger Kids version) - Retained Primitive Reflex Integration Home Exercises.

Join Chiropractor Karli Plowright of Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman, NSW as she takes you through some options for home exercises that may help you/your child to integrate the retained reflex, which could significantly improve the related symptoms or signs.

(OPTION 2 - for Bigger Kids)


1) Starfish Ball Rolls (Unassisted)

Using a physio ball (ours is 55cm diameter); or any prop that can create a similar motion.
- Have your child sit on the front "edge" of the ball;
* ARMS: crossed over each other; and
* HEAD: chin tucked toward chest - Instruct them to roll backward over the ball (unassisted) *ARMS - to extend out like a starfish; and * HEAD to be tilted back (extended) at the same time.
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Recoil back to seated position with arms crossed and head tucked down toward chest
- Repeat

2) Starfish Squat to Stand on Physio Ball/Chair

- Sit on the edge of the Physio Ball (held still by assistant)/ or Chair
* LEGS : cross left over right
* ARMS: cross left over right
* HEAD: chin tucked toward chest - Instruct the child to slowly stand up tall;
* ARMS: Open out arms, reaching over the head toward the sky, into a starfish shape; and
* HEAD: concurrently tilt head back (extend neck)
- Hold for 5 seconds;
- Slowly return/close down to the seated position with left over right
- Repeat with the opposite ie. right leg over left/ right arm over left etc.
- Repeat again!

3) Beanbag Starfish

- Sitting on the edge of the beanbag on the ground
* LEGS : cross left over right
* ARMS: cross left over right
* HEAD: chin tucked toward chest
* SPINE: flexed into a ball/foetal position;
- Instruct the child to slowly open out into a starfish and lie back over the beanbag
* LEGS: Open out legs as wide as possible like a starfish;
* ARMS: Open out arms to a starfish position
* HEAD: concurrently tilt head back (extend neck)
- Hold for 5 seconds;
- Slowly return/close the posture to the original seated position with left over right
- Repeat with the opposite ie. right leg over left/ right arm over left etc.
- Repeat again!

The idea is a slow and controlled exercise.

Need some help? Contact your local Chiropractor, Osteopath, Physio, OT, GP who has training in retained primitive reflexes. They can help by assessment of their active reflexes; and a combination of physical therapy and better advice or demonstration of these exercises might help you and your child to integrate these reflexes.

Please note:
- Karli is perfectly imperfect in her demonstration of these.
- These exercises are intended as general advice; they are not specific to your individual needs. If you're experiencing any discomfort or pain please seek professional help.


Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman NSW has a pregnancy and paediatric focus.

Book in online with your Mosman Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett, Karli Plowright and Sandy Ghobrial at
Located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088 Rear entry -- find the cacti and you'll see our door!
Ph 02 9969 7503
For More Retained Primitive Reflex home exercises head to: