gut health

Nutrients to Calm the Mind

Nutrients to Calm the Mind

As well as seeking psychological support, herbal/nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle factors can play a crucial role in supporting our nervous system, adrenals, and mood. There are numerous natural strategies that can help calm the mind and support anxiety. One great and vital place to start, is to look at what we are feeding our cells on a daily basis. So, here are 5 of my favourite nutrients to help support our nervous system, adrenals and mood.

Nurturing your Stress Response: Natural Ways to Help Nourish your Nervous System

Nurturing your Stress Response: Natural Ways to Help Nourish your Nervous System

Phoebe Jobson from Nutmeg Naturopathy and Dr Lucy Bartlett (Chiro) from Nomad Chiropractic talk about all things STRESS and NERVOUS SYSTEM HEALTH. They share their knowledge and tips regarding what natural strategies we can be implementing to help nourish our nervous system and take control of our stress. In particular, Phoebe and Lucy focus on posture + spinal health and gut health, highlighting the vital role these areas play in our stress response.