How is your child’s backpack affecting them physically?

You may have come across this blog as you were concerned with the weight or positioning of your child’s backpack. You probably see your child cram their backpack full of books, food, music instruments, clothes etc and imagine how heavy it must be for them? Research has told us that school age children should carry a maximum of 10% of their body weight in their school bag.

This is due to the function of the spine being developed but the structure is not complete there yet and is still developing. Further to this it has been researched that poor posture, scoliosis and carrying back pains are indicators of developing back pain in children.

A research paper from 2017 regarding kids and back pain found 64% of kids have back pain, and over 40% expressed it was related to when they put their backpack on. Over 20% of these children have had the issues (back pain) for over 6 months. Meaning this is likely to become a chronic condition, which may be likely to impact on their testing results in school.

TOP TIPS on backpack placement

  • Have the bag over both shoulders

  • You don’t want it higher than the shoulder

  • You don't want it lower than the hips, may need to tighten the straps

  • Backpack should weigh 10% of your child's body weight or less

  • If your child has a trolley, ensure it is not more than 20% of their body weight

There can be many postural and mechanical injuries associated with backpacks, use of backpacks and the heaviness of backpacks. If you are having concerns regarding your child’s backpack, come in to get them assessed by your Mosman chiropractors Karli, Sandy or Lucy; and even bring their backpack in and we can assess the body with and without the backpack.

Book online to get your backpack wearing + spinal health checked!

Till next time,

Chiro Karli :)

Nomad Chiropractic Mosman

Book in online with your Mosman Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett,Olly Kerr, Kristin Webb and Sandy Ghobrial at

Located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088 Rear entry
Ph 02 9969 7503

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*Note: Karli Plowright moved back to WA in December 2022 and as such is no longer a practitioner at Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman. All of the practitioners at Nomad Chiropractic are trained in the above.